LOOP is a rapid decarbonisation device designed to accelerate the world’s transition to net zero. The process has two -products: hydrogen a clean energy source powering the societies of tomorrow and net zero graphene, a material reshaping the world we live in.
LOOP seamlessly docks with existing infrastructure to strip carbon from gas flows, helping businesses to decarbonise instantly. Upon installing LOOP, the average business could reduce their use of natural gas by at least 40% instantly by replacing it with hydrogen, a more sustainable fuel.
LOOP directly assists with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals – from providing clean cheap energy and to revolutionising the sustainability of our cities and communities.
This device can be deployed to any site that uses natural gas as an energy source and can be used at no net-cost. Businesses not only save money by using LOOP, but the cost benefits also increase over time.
From designing the optimum location for your LOOP to operating and monitoring the system as it transforms your business, Levidian has developed a streamlined process tailored for you.
As well as producing graphene, LOOP produces a continuous stream of high-quality Hydrogen. Hydrogen is expected to contribute significantly to the decarbonisation of heat, electricity generation and transportation around the world.
Our pioneering rapid decarbonisation device, LOOP, allows graphene and hydrogen to be produced through the Levidian Process at any location in the world that has a methane source. We can control the process output to deliver pure hydrogen or a partially decarbonised hydrogen and methane blend that suits the input requirements of existing combustion equipment.